Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Killzone Producer - "Blu-ray is not a luxury, but a necessity"

"It is not a luxury to have Blu-ray, but rather a necessity, as compression only gets you so far. All this processing power just means we can add more detail and create that Hollywood-type realism we're after."Ha, this is funny to me. Blu-ray technology is awesome! It gives us many more freedoms & routes to take with high-definition gaming! But clearly this is not a necessity, but a luxury, & a nice luxury at that. But obviously there are much more important issues at hand, like another person mentioned in the comments section of this digg, that 65 million Americans are without Health-Care, & to some it is nearly un-obtainable! This is something we should be contemplating, not whether or not we should be considering Blu-Ray a necessity or a luxury. This is just something we shouldn't argue about...come on people, what we need to be contemplating is how we're gonna IMPEACH George W. Bush & stop this damn Iraq war, these are the issues that have the utmost importance!

read more | digg story

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