Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mike Gravel blasts Hillary for supporting Iran war and more, plus my thoughs on our current situation!

Damn I really find Sen. Mike Gravel to be one of the greatest presidential candidates to ever run in my time so far. He completely blows everyone else in the race right out of the fucking water! He needs to get voted into power, so he can fix the executive branch so it doesn't have as much power as it currently does. Plus he wants to add a 4th branch to the checks and balances system we use today, by enacting the National Initiative into power, which will put the power of law-making back into the hands of the American people. That would be really awesome, I think it's necessary for us to be able to stand up to our government so that we no longer get mistreated! I think currently right now we are definately at one of the lowest points in terms of constitutional rights we have. Many of our rights have been stripped, thanks to Bush & his rampant-running agenda which he has issued countless executive orders that say we can no longer arm ourselves in our homes during an emergency, the patriot act gives the government the right to spy on you, we just have no more privacy & we are not allowed to speak out against our government! Plus, we un-lawfully get taxed by the IRS for labor & wages, with the Income Tax, which is completely illegal & many people have gotten off without filing a 1040 or paying taxes because, simply, there is no law that exists that states you have to pay income ax, but the government gets away with it day after day. We need a good leader who won't steer us wrong or spy on our conversations that we find private, & I believe Mike Gravel is that person, who can lead us out of the darkness and back into a good and prosperous time. Check out my myspace profile @

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